Since its founding in 1990, PCCW has raised over $297 million for the university.

PCCW member commitment

  • Our goal is 100 percent member participation every year

    PCCW members are committed to giving back to Cornell through volunteer efforts and philanthropy. One of the council's yearly member expectations is a gift to the university at a level of individual choice. PCCW's philanthropic projects offer many special opportunities.

Special PCCW giving opportunities

  • The current-use fund supplements money generated each year by the PCCW endowed funds. When you give to this fund, you're putting dollars directly into the hands of students and faculty Cornell to support women’s issues and gender equality.

  • The PCCW Leadership Scholarship awarded yearly to one or more Cornell sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Your gift to this endowment fund supports students who have exhibited leadership at Cornell.

  • These PCCW endowments support student scholarships.
    Up to three undergraduate women students are selected for this fellowship each year. These women demonstrate a commitment to work, public service, and academic excellence. Your gift to this endowment fund ensures bright, promising women can study at Cornell, no matter what their financial means.

  • The PCCW Frank H.T. Rhodes Microgrants

    PCCW invites officers of registered Cornell student organizations to submit proposals for projects or events that are directed to women’s issues and gender equality. Microgrants of up to $500 are available.

    Any questions regarding the application process should be directed to Carole Quealy ([email protected]) in the Office of Alumni Affairs or by calling 607-254-7104.

  • Affinito-Stewart & PCCW Grants

    These grants advance Cornell's retention of women faculty and faculty conducting research and scholarship into women’s issues and advancement by awarding seed funding for research and other academic projects critical to the tenure process. Your support helps us keep the best and brightest at Cornell.
    2018 PCCW Affinito-Stewart Grant Faculty Recipients
    Rachel Aleks, Industrial and Labor Relations
    Fatma Baytar, Human Ecology
    Julieta Caunedo, Arts and Sciences
    Brooke Erin Duffy, Agriculture and Life Sciences
    Amy Krosch, Arts and Sciences
    Tashara Leak, Human Ecology
    Sabine Mann, Veterinary Medicine
    Jooyoung Shin, Human Ecology
    Jeongmin Song, Veterinary Medicine

  • The PCCW Frank H.T. Rhodes Leadership Grants

    PCCW established leadership grants in 2000 to provide support for women’s issues and gender equality at Cornell. In keeping PCCW’s tradition of support, the PCCW Frank H.T. Rhodes Leadership Endowment Fund was established to assist the following Cornell groups:

    • Women students
    • Women's athletics programs
    • Women faculty, administration, and staff

    Any questions regarding the application process should be directed to Carole Quealy ([email protected]) in the Office of Alumni Affairs or by calling 607-254-7104.

Past PCCW philanthropic initiatives

  • To recognize PCCW's 25th Anniversary in 2015, the university's sesquicentennial, and the administration's commitment to expand the Gannett Health Center (now known as Cornell Health), PCCW raised money for a waiting room in sexual health and wellness services named in honor of PCCW and Susan Murphy, who retired in June 2015 after 21 years as vice president for Student and Academic Services.
    Susan was an important part of PCCW for decades and the successful funding of the Gannett Health Center project was one of her highest priorities. We raised over $250,000 in gifts and multi-year pledges in 2015 and have continued to take contributions. Please contact Justine Guariglia or Tom LaFalce for more information on options for multiyear gifts.

  • In 1993, PCCW endowed the Andrew D. White Professor-at-Large to ensure that exemplary women scholars are always included in this prestigious program. The professorship guarantees a women’s perspectives has a permanent place in the intellectual exchange on campus.

Alumna speaking with undergraduate student

Give to PCCW

PCCW members are committed to giving back to Cornell. Our goal is 100 percent member participation. Give online, or email Justine Guariglia at [email protected].

Add your support today